Course Description

Deep learning, which is considered as a subset of machine learning, is a core technology that has revolutionized entire Artificial Intelligence (AI) fields. It has achieved remarkable success in various applications, such as computer vision, natural language processing, speech recognition, robotics, biology, medicine, to name a few. This course will start from presenting the basic theory and practice of deep learning, and introduce rapidly changing techniques. This course also focuses on practical aspects of deep learning, which requires students to perform final course projects to gain a deeper knowledge through active exploration of various problems.


Schedule (Tentative)

Date Topic Course Materials / Extra Reading
Week 1 Introduction / Motivation / Course Logistics
Linear Models / Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP)
Week 2 Linear Models / Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) (continued)
Week 3 Backpropagation / Automatic Differentiation
Week 4 Optimization / Gradient Descent
Week 5 Convolutional Neural Networks 1
Week 6 Convolutional Neural Networks 2
Week 7 Convolutional Neural Networks 2 (continued)
Week 8 CNN Applications (Object Detection and Segmentation)
Week 9 Project Proposals
Recurrent Neural Networks
Week 10 Transformers
Week 11 Graph Neural Networks


The class project is for you to gain in-depth knowledge of deep learning by making your hands dirty. You will be a part of 2~3 person group to conduct a project during the semester. You can choose whatever topics that excite you and the only restriction is that you should use deep learning to tackle the problems.


Class attendance and participation - [10%]
Homework - [20%]
Final project - [30%]
Final exam - [40%]


Ideally, previous exposure to following courses make you get most ouf of this course.

  • Introduction to machine learning (ICE 3045 or equivalent)
  • Calculus and Linear Algebra (GEDB001, GEDB002, GEDB003 or equivalents)
  • Probatility (ICE 2003 or equivalent)
  • Programming (GEDT019, EEE2017 or equivalents, python language preferred)